Quick Pro-Tips to Sell Your House Fast in 2023

5 min readAug 14, 2023


Selling a house can be a daunting task, especially when you’re looking to do it quickly. Whether you’re relocating for a job, downsizing, or facing financial constraints, the need to sell your house fast requires careful planning and strategic execution.

In this blog, we will walk you through quick house sell tips while still getting a fair price.

Enhance Curb Appeal

First impressions matter, and the exterior of your house is the first thing potential buyers will see. Enhance your home’s curb appeal by:

  • Landscaping: Ensure your lawn is well-maintained, and consider adding some flowers or plants to make the exterior more inviting.
  • Exterior Repairs: Fix any peeling paint, cracked walkways, or loose gutters. A well-maintained exterior signals to buyers that the house has been cared for.
  • Cleanliness: Power wash the exterior, clean windows, and tidy up the front porch or entryway.

Price Competitively

Pricing your house competitively is crucial for attracting potential buyers. Research the local real estate market to understand the prices of similar properties. Avoid overpricing, as it can discourage buyers, and underpricing might lead to skepticism about the property’s value.

De-clutter and De-personalize

A cluttered and personalized space can make it difficult for potential buyers to envision themselves living in your house. Declutter by removing excess furniture, personal items, and knickknacks. Depersonalize by neutralizing the décor to create a blank canvas that appeals to a wide range of buyers.

Stage Your Home

Staging involves arranging furniture, décor, and lighting in a way that showcases your home’s potential. Consider hiring a professional stager to make your house feel welcoming and spacious. Staged homes often sell faster because they help buyers visualize how they can use the space.

Professional Photography

In today’s digital age, high-quality photos are essential for attracting potential buyers online. Consider hiring a professional photographer who specializes in real estate photography. These photos can make your listing stand out and create a strong first impression.

Promote Online

Listing your property on real estate websites, social media platforms, and local classifieds can significantly increase its visibility. Include detailed descriptions, high-quality images, and accurate contact information. Utilize keywords that potential buyers are likely to search for.

Highlight Unique Selling Points

Identify and showcase your home’s unique features and selling points. These could be a spacious backyard, a newly renovated kitchen, energy-efficient appliances, or a convenient location near schools, parks, or shopping centers.

Open Houses and Showings

Hosting open houses and showings gives potential buyers the opportunity to experience your home in person. Make sure your house is immaculately clean, well-lit, and properly ventilated. Consider offering refreshments and informational brochures for visitors.

Flexible Viewing Schedule

Be accommodating when scheduling viewings. Potential buyers have different schedules, and being flexible can increase your chances of attracting serious buyers.

Address Repairs and Upgrades

While major renovations might not be feasible when you’re looking to sell quickly, addressing minor repairs and upgrades can make a significant difference. Fix leaky faucets, replace broken tiles, and update outdated fixtures. These small improvements can create a more appealing impression.

Offer Incentives

Consider offering incentives to entice potential buyers. These could include covering closing costs, offering a home warranty, or including certain furniture or appliances in the sale.

Work with a Real Estate Agent

Real estate agents have extensive knowledge of the market and can help you navigate the selling process more efficiently. They can provide valuable insights, market your property effectively, and negotiate on your behalf.

5 Top Companies to Consider to Sell Your House Fast

When looking to sell your house fast, it’s essential to consider companies that specialize in expedited sales and offer efficient services. Here are five companies, that you might consider for selling your house quickly:


Houzeo is an online platform that empowers homeowners to sell their homes without the need for a traditional real estate agent. The platform provides tools for creating listings, managing offers, and handling all the necessary paperwork. This can be a cost-effective solution for those who are confident in their ability to manage the selling process themselves and want to maximize their control over the transaction.

»Houzeo’s Digital Transaction Management System: Check out Houzeo’s strong technology support system, which will help you keep track of every move of your real estate transaction.


72SOLD is a real estate company that focuses on streamlining the home-selling process. They aim to make selling a home as fast and stress-free as possible. With a team of experienced professionals, 72SOLD can provide you with a cash offer for your home within 72 hours. This approach can be beneficial if you’re in a hurry to sell and want to avoid the traditional listing process.

»72Sold reviews: Take a look at the reviews posted by the customers against its pricing and services.


Offerpad is a real estate company that specializes in buying homes directly from homeowners. They provide sellers with a competitive cash offer, allowing them to avoid the traditional listing and selling process. Offerpad is known for its fast and hassle-free transactions, making it a suitable option for those looking to sell their homes quickly without the complexities of the traditional market.

Zillow Offers:

Zillow Offers is a service offered by the popular online real estate marketplace, Zillow. They provide sellers with a cash offer for their homes, allowing them to sell quickly. Zillow Offers is available in select markets and can be a convenient option for homeowners who want a straightforward selling experience without the need for extensive showings and negotiations.


RedfinNow is a service provided by the real estate brokerage Redfin. They offer homeowners a cash offer for their homes, allowing for a swift sale. RedfinNow is available in certain markets and provides a convenient alternative to the traditional selling process, making it suitable for those who want to sell quickly and move on to their next endeavor.

Before choosing any company, it’s essential to thoroughly research and understand the terms they offer. Each company’s services, fees, and benefits can vary, so consider your specific needs and priorities when deciding which option aligns best with your goals. Additionally, consulting with a real estate professional or attorney before finalizing any agreement is recommended to ensure you’re making an informed decision that suits your circumstances.


Selling your house fast requires a combination of careful planning, strategic marketing, and attention to detail. By enhancing curb appeal, decluttering, staging, pricing competitively, and effectively promoting your property online, you can increase the chances of attracting potential buyers quickly.

Remember to highlight your home’s unique features, address minor repairs, and be flexible with showings. By implementing these strategies and, if needed, seeking the assistance of a real estate agent, you can successfully sell your house fast without compromising on the final sale price.

